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At some point, if you are still experiencing severe pain, they will give you an injection of painkiller. They may give it to you before, or after your CT scan or x-rays to check for Kidney Stones.


While the lab is testing your urine, the doctor will probably send you to the radiology department to have x-rays taken to look for Kidney Stones. This is relatively quick and the radiologist  will probably take about 6 x-rays or so.


If the results of the x-ray come back inconclusive, they may ask you to get a CT scan. This scan gives the doctor a clearer picture of what is going on than x-rays can. It will only take about 5 minutes in the CT machine.


Now, the doctor will have a pretty good idea if you are experiencing kidney stones or not. If the doctor still isn’t sure, you may be asked to have an IVP test.


An IVP test is nothing more than a series of x-rays taken over the period of about an hour. After your first IVP x-ray the nurse will give you an IV and inject a special dye that shows up on an x-ray. The dye is clear, but will glow on the x-ray and show the doctor if there are any blockages.


It is becoming more common to simply have a CT scan after the dye injection as a CT scan will give the doctor more information than an x-ray… but both methods work.


When these tests are over, the doctor will know if you are dealing with kidney stones.


For a Natural Surgery Free Remedy To Kidney Stones Click Here!

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