Health and Lifestyle


Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Arthritis


Degenerative Arthritis Is the Most Common Form of Arthritis


Degenerative arthritis, commonly known as osteoarthritis, is the result of a breakdown in the cartilage between the joints. Cartilage is necessary, as it serves as the padding between the bones. Degenerative arthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Degenerative arthritis affects upwards of 20 million people in the United States alone.


Degenerative arthritis is more common in males before the age of 45. Degenerative arthritis is diagnosed more often in women after the age of 55. Degenerative arthritis affects the races equally in the United States; however Japan has the highest recordings of degenerative arthritis. The lowest rates of degenerative arthritis occur in the people of Southern China and South Africa.


The aging process promotes the increase the amount of water in cartilage. Degenerative arthritis is mostly due to this increase of water which breaks down the protein of cartilage. With continual use, joints tend to become inflamed which leads to swelling and pain. Cartilage will eventually start eroding and flake away. Those with severe degenerative arthritis will have total loss of cartilage between their joints. Degenerative arthritis can also be brought on by an old injury, or continual pressure on a weak joint. 


When there is no cartilage, or cushion, between the joints the individual will experience pain and limited mobility in the afflicted site. Bone spurs can also develop when the cartilage is inflamed, which leads to additional pain. The only good thing about degenerative arthritis is that it does not affect other organs or systems in the body.


Degenerative arthritis is different from patient to patient. One may experience severe joint pain and be totally debilitated, while another may have only mild pain on an intermittent basis. The symptoms of degenerative arthritis are pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth, and creaking at the joint site. When there is a total loss of cartilage, a patient can experience pain even when resting.


Science hopes to one day find a medication which will cure arthritis. The medications which are available today can do much to bring pain relief and to slow down the degeneration of cartilage in the arthritic patient. Many arthritis patients are taking dietary supplements, such as glucosamine, to aid their body in the fight against arthritis.



The following Resources may be of interest to Arthritis sufferers:


1. I Cured My Arthritis, YOU CAN TOO!

2. Arthritis Free in One Month

3. Advanced Back Pain Relief

4. Treat Chronic Arthritis Without Drugs Or Surgery